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November 15th, 2024

WCVT is proud to partner with the Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) in the 2025 College Scholarship Program. The foundation annually awards scholarships to an exceptional group of rural students for their first year of college or vocational school. FRS has awarded over $1 million in scholarships since its inception, empowering rural students throughout the country to advance their communities with invaluable skill sets and experiences. All applicants require sponsorship by an NTCA — The Rural Broadband Association member company, which includes WCVT.

As your local telecommunications service provider, it’s our pleasure to offer this national scholarship program in our service area. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior and an active customer or whose parents or legal guardian are active customers of WCVT and reside full-time in the WCVT service area.

Application deadline is February 14, 2025. For more information and to apply online, visit the FRS website at or contact Lorraine M. Keener at 802-496-8379 or